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Food & Drink




Friday & Saturday - $250 + 8% of gross sales

All Food Vendor Spots have been filled for 2024. If you are interested in being a vendor in 2025, please contact us.
Electric Rental Not Available

Rules & Regulations




The Festival is not responsible for any injuries that occur to vendors or their employees, loss or damage to any booth or its contents due to weather, fire, accident, theft, or any other cause. The Festival reserves the right to ask any vendor to leave or remove booth content that is disruptive to the Festival.



>  Complete and submit the online application

>  We review all food & drink vendor applications to ensure that we have the space and do not have too many competing vendors. We will contact you regarding the status of your application and ask for payment. No application is secured until payment and a signed contract is received.

>  You may download a preview copy of the full contract and rules here​

>  Email proof of liability insurance to Your certificate of insurance must specify the Beaverdale Fall Festival as the certificate holder and must include at least $1,000,000 of general liability coverage per occurrence. There is an example here.

>  No refunds unless you are not accepted as a Festival vendor.

>  Be specific on products and food that you want to sell. No changes without approval.

>  A temporary food establishment license must be obtained from the Iowa Department of Inspections and Appeals, independent from this application.




>  Vendor placement is determined by the Festival. Locations will be marked on the street or parking lot, however, set-up cannot begin until instructed by a Festival representative. There is no guarantee that any vendor will get the same space as a previous festival.

 You will receive an email 1-2 weeks prior to the event with specific locations, and set-up instructions.

 You will be assigned a check-in time on Friday between 2 and 3.  Set-up must be complete by 5 pm
Friday, 9 am Saturday.  The Festival officially closes at 11:00 pm, both Friday and Saturday.

 Vendor vehicles cannot be parked within the barricaded Festival area. You will have 15 minutes to unload during set-up.

 Vendors must provide all their own needs, including tables.  The Festival only provides space.

 All vendors must comply with all rules and regulations of the Des Moines Fire Department, City, Polk County Health Department, and the State of Iowa. It is your responsibility to comply and have proof available at your booth.

 Volunteers are given Beaver Bucks to spend with Festival vendors. Vendors must accept Beaver Bucks in lieu of cash and will be reimbursed at the end of the Festival.

>  One vendor per registered space, no exceptions, and no sharing spaces. 



>  Water will be available on the west side of Medicap Pharmacy (hoses are not permitted).

>  Generators are allowed if they run at 70 dB or less and must be indicated on your application.

>  Ice is occasionally available for purchase by bag. Please contact us if you are interested. 



>  Vendors are responsible for their own clean-up and trash bagging. Trash barrels will be available.

>  If damage or excessive clean-up is required at the end of the event, the vendor will be charged.

>  Vendors must be out of the Festival area by 12:30 am Sunday morning.



>  QUESTIONS -- Contact us at


Food Vendors Rules & Guidelines

Food & Drink Vendor FAQs

Will I be visited by health, fire, or other inspectors?

Yes - you can expect to have a visit from several inspection officials from both the City of Des Moines and the State of Iowa prior to being allowed to open and begin serving. You must follow all directions from state and local inspectors, including potentially stopping serving until you remedy any issues. 

I'd like to sell alcohol within or near the festival. What do I need to know?

Any new liquor license or temporary modification of a liquor license within 1800 feet of the festival must have our written permission, per the City of Des Moines rules. This includes bars and restaurants with permanent buildings that are seeking a change to their existing liquor license to sell outside during the festival. Please contact us for more information. 

Sales Tax

It is each vendor’s responsibility to know if they are required to collect and remit Iowa Sales Tax. The Beaverdale Fall Festival does not accept responsibility for vendors who fail to meet this obligation. Vendors who are required to remit sales tax must have a valid Sales Tax Permit. For questions, please call the Iowa Department of Revenue and Finance at (515) 281-3114.

Can I pick my spot?

We cannot guarentee a specific spot, but you are welcome to put any preferences on your application. Final placement is at the discretion of the Fall Festival. We try to limit direct competitors being located next to each other. 

What is the difference between a Food Vendor and a Commercial Vendor?

Food Vendors prepare and sell food and/or drink for on-site consumption at the festival. Commercial Vendors must not prepare any food/drink for on-site consumption. Food Vendors have additional requirements for health & safety compliance, including but not limited to health and fire inspections as required by the City of Des Moines and the State of Iowa. Additional requirements may apply. If you are not sure which vendor space applies to you, contact us. 

What are the insurance requirements?

All vendors must have general liability insurance listing the Beaverdale Fall Festival as additionally insured. From time to time, some of the landlords/parking lot owners may also require a certificate of insurance.  Your certificate of insurance must specify the Beaverdale Fall Festival as the certificate holder and must include at least $1,000,000 of general liability coverage per occurrence. There is an example here.

Health Inspection

All Food and Farmers Market vendors are required to comply with the State of Iowa Public Health regulations governing the preparation, handling, and presentation of food. Prepared food vendors are responsible for obtaining all necessary licenses and permits required by the State of Iowa. A permit fee will be imposed and is valid for all state of Iowa Farmers Markets. You must have your food license prior to the event. If you do not have a license in advance, you will be required to shut down your operation, completely fill out the application, and you cannot reopen until inspected and approved by the inspector. Vendors are encouraged to contact the Iowa Department of Inspections and Appeals at (515) 281-6538 with any questions or concerns regarding product regulations, licensing, and fees. The Fall Festival is not responsible for health permits/inspections, however, festival is required by law to inform the Iowa Department of Inspections and Appeals of the attendance of all prepared food vendors.

I have a food truck but haven't attended an event within the City of Des Moines. What should I know?

The City of Des Moines has several requirements to be licensed to operate within city limits, including at our festival. While we recommend you reach out to the city for a complete list of rules, one important one that has caught up food truck vendors in the past is that they must pass inspection by the City Fire Marshal prior to the event. The city Fire Marshal only does these inspections twice a month. (This only applies to Food Trucks.) Please reach out to the city clerk's office or the fire marshal's office with questions specific to licensing and inspection. 

Failure to be licensed/approved by the City means you will not be able to participate in the festival. We are not able to refund application fees due to licensing issues. 

How do I avoid the 3% credit card fee?

You may choose to pay by check. When doing so, you will not be charged the 3% credit card fee. This fee solely exists to cover the costs of processing credit card payments. 

Can I share my space with someone else?

No, one vendor to a space. Anyone found violating this rule will not be asked to leave without refund and banned from future festivals.

Can I just park my food truck outside of the festival?

No, we have a special permit with the health department of the state of Iowa. All food trucks/vendors must be within our festival boundaries and pre-communicated to the state of Iowa prior to the festival. 

What is the deadline to apply?

September 7th, 2024, but spaces typically fill up ahead of that. 

What is the cost to be a Food Vendor?

Food Vendors will pay a non-refundable application fee of $250 plus 8% of their gross sales at the festival. 

What if I don't have a general liability insurance policy for $1,000,000?

All of our vendors must have the appropriate general liability insurance to participate in the festival. 

If you are a food vendor and don't already have a general liability insurance policy you can get a short-term general liability policy that meets our requirements. Please follow this link to FLIP Insurance to get an insurance policy for the festival.  

We also recommend you ask your own insurance company for a quote and to discuss your options. 

How will you collect the 8% of sales?

We will provide a paper form for you to record your total sales at the festival. You can either pay us in cash the night of the festival, or we will send you an invoice to be paid in full within 15 days of the festival. 

Are you providing electricity?

No, we no longer provide electricity as an add-on. If you need electricity, you will need to provide your own generator that is rated to run at 70 dB or less. We will ask any generator that is too loud or unsafe to be shut off. (Suggested generator - Honda EU3000is or equivalent).


A / 4023 Urbandale Ave. #13254
Des Moines, IA 50310
P / (515) 644-6212
E /

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The Beaverdale Fall Festival's mission is to build community and cherished traditions while celebrating and promoting the Beaverdale neighborhood and surrounding communities.

© 2024 Beaverdale Fall Festival

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